Thursday, October 22, 2009

Microsoft MN 500 Router Question?

i am trying to reinstall my microsoft mn 500 router and it is telling me that i have to dusable all my firewall programs. whic hones ones are they referring to specifically? norton? window? Please help! I have tried disabling all these and it still says a firewall is up.

Microsoft MN 500 Router Question?downloads

Routers use addressess. The address for your router is

usually It has an IP address usually A subnet, Then it has Primary DNS and SecondaryDNS Numbers to connect to your Internet Service Provider. These shoud show up in your internet connections of your web browser.

Microsoft MN 500 Router Question?house call

All means all - Windows Firewall, Norton, anything else. Don't just disable Norton - remove it. (You should never run Norton anti-virus or Norton firewall anyway.) Windows firewall disables properly.

After you remove and disable, reboot.

And, if you have any other router between that one and the computer, it will appear as a firewall. You should only be running one router (or no router if your modem is doing routing).

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