Monday, June 21, 2010

Will MIcrosoft have to convert to Blu-Ray since HD DVD lost the format war?

Every website I go to about the format wars basically says, Blu-Ray pwned HD DVD. So how does this affect Microsoft. Are they going to make Blu-Ray electronics?

Will MIcrosoft have to convert to Blu-Ray since HD DVD lost the format war?mcaffee

Yes HD-DVD is doomed as reports are Toshiba is finally giving up.

This doesn't mean Microsoft's format failed. Microsoft did not make HD-DVD, Toshiba did. Microsoft merely included the technology in one of their products.

Since that product will eventually become a novelty item, execs at Microsoft are probably secretly relieved that they sold hd-dvd as an add-on rather than a standard, internal feature. But that relief will be tempered by the dread of knowing that now they have nothing but 9gb dvd to use for games, compared to the standard 25gb blu-ray every ps3 game is on. Now that hd-dvd is dying, the xbox is in real trouble.

It is not primarily a question of whether Microsoft is going to start using Blu-Ray, it is a question of whether Sony will ever allow them to, and if so, how much will Microsoft have to pay for it. It will be a lot, no doubt about that, if it ever happens. And I don't see any reason for Sony to allow it, or any legal reason why they should have to. The victory of Blu-Ray was the linchpin of the ps3's market strategy, and Sony will play it for all it's worth. There's a lot of lost money to be remade.

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