Thursday, November 5, 2009

If Microsoft takes Yahoo, will it become lame like MSN?

There has always been such a difference in quality and user-friendliness between MSN and Yahoo, (and we know MSN hates Yahoo for it), and it appears Microsoft is into eavesdropping and New World Order fascism. Don't you think it will mean the end of Yahoo as we've known it, and be yet another step down into the pit of darkness and tyranny our country has been falling into?

If Microsoft takes Yahoo, will it become lame like MSN?norton antivirus

There are going to be even more violations and deletions of accounts with Microsoft controling.

If you dare say a single thing not in line with Microsoft dogma, POOF, you'll be gone.

If Microsoft takes Yahoo, will it become lame like MSN?security

boycott microsoft. If that happens I'm quitting Yahoo! for Google.
%26gt;It will be inevitable.%26lt;

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