Monday, June 21, 2010

Should Microsoft give everyone with an Xbox Live account a free 1 month membership!?!?!?!?

I was just playing a really good match on COD4 and for some dumb reason my screen said connection was lost

I already know why it happened (Technical problems) and I know it's happened to a lot of people!

But gee, this is a BIG inconvenience! They should send everyone with an xbox live account a free month membership or even some microsoft points!

Who Agrees....

Should Microsoft give everyone with an Xbox Live account a free 1 month membership!?!?!?!?viruses

does it say that cant connect to xbox live but your internet connection works because the same thing is happening to me

Should Microsoft give everyone with an Xbox Live account a free 1 month membership!?!?!?!?antispam

thats same with me i am tring to play live but the ******* server is down or something!!! i am pissed cause i really wanna play halo 3
I agree!!! Last night i was playing halo, and one of my friends got the "xbox live doesn't work but your internets okay" thing, and it's happening to loads of people. I think they should send us 4000mp or a month subscription anyway, because ps3 and wii offer the service for free...waste of 拢40/$80 if you only get 2 or so games every night...
heres a better solution for microsoft to make. THEY SHOULD MAKE XBOX LIVE FREE!!!!
Hell Yea they should DAMN im mad

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